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National Chemical Laboratories 24-7®
Extended Performance Floor Finish
We Supply the volume user with great pricing
24/7® is a new, highly advanced floor finish with superior “off-the-mop” initial gloss. This ultra-high solids formula provides exceptional film clarity, repels soil and scratches, and extends the time between stripping cycles from 18 to 36 months. A wet-look gloss floor finish incorporating proprietary polymer technology producing outstanding long-term clarity, excellent abrasion resistance and extended durability. Excellent scrub and re-coat performance easily extends the time between stripping cycles from 18 to 36 months.
Authorized UL Product
Floor Preparation: Strip old finish and wax using your preferred NCL floor stripper following label directions. For baseboards and corners, use an NCL baseboard stripper following label directions. If necessary, rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow to completely dry.
Application: Using a clean mop or applicator apply a thin uniform coat of 24/7® Extended Performance Floor Finish. Allow to dry for a minimum of 30 minutes after each coat. Do not apply more than 4 coats in a 24 hour period. Floor should be thoroughly dry before traffic is allowed in area.
Buffing and Burnishing: 24/7® Extended Performance Floor Finish is an ideal product for use in no-buff or buffing programs using all speeds of buffing or burnishing machines. Prior to buffing or burnishing dust mop the floor surface using an NCL dust mop treatment. Buff or dry burnish using an NCL Aqua Magic™ buffing pad. For spray buffing, mop-on or autoscubber restoring use a preferred NCL gloss restorer.
Routine Maintenance: Dust mop using mop treated with an NCL dust mop treatment. Damp mop or clean with an automatic scrubber using your preferred NCL neutral floor cleaner following label directions.
Scrub and Recoat: When routine maintenance and buffing/burnishing no longer responds as needed, scrub and recoat using an NCL scrub and recoat cleaner following label directions.
- Easy to Apply / Dries quickly, levels beautifully, no re-coat attack.
- Ultra-High Solids / Save time and labor with fewer coats
- Scuff, scratch and abrasion resistant / Minimizes maintenance requirements
- Repels Dirt / Stays clean, clear and bright longer
- Highest “Off-The-Mop” Gloss / Floors look beautiful, right from the start.
- Excellent Burnish Response / Easily maintain wet-look gloss for extended period of time.
- Exclusive Micro Molecular Technology / Superior durability, extremely consistent surface excel at long term performance.
Precautionary statement:
Prevention: Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Response: Wash
thoroughly after handling.
Storage: Store away from incompatible materials.
Disposal: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with
local/regional/national/international regulations.
This product is not known to be a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA
Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.
Additional safety measures:
Read the entire label and SDS before using this product, and for
additional first aid measures. SDS for this product is available under the
Documents tab.