Multi Clean 902578 PP-Gone Urine Stain and Odor Remover
Urine odors and stains are one of the most recognizable and challenging malodors
that defy simple solutions. PP-Gone is a Peroxide Powered Cleaner that destroys
urine odors and stains on hard and soft surfaces. PP-Gone is not just for hard
surfaces, the dye free formula is safe on soft surfaces including carpet,
bedding, mattresses, upholstery and clothing. It makes a great laundry pre-spot
for urine and other stains. PP-Gone works effectively on human urine and animal
urine odors and stains.
Ready To Use
Part number 902578
Multi-Clean PP-Gone is a Peroxide Powered Cleaner that destroys urine odors and stains on hard and soft surfaces. Odors from urine residues send the wrong message to building occupants and visitors. PP-Gone works effectively on both human and animal urine odors and stains.
Destroy Urine Odors & Stains
Urine odors are caused by uric acid crystals and odor causing bacteria feeding off urine residues. Regular cleaning products including disinfectants and enzyme products are often not completely effective. PP-Gone is specifically formulated to dissolve uric acid crystals and destroy the odor causing bacteria. PP-Gone’s peroxide power safely removes urine stains.
Safe on Hard and Soft Surfaces
PP-Gone is dye free and safe to use on virtually any soft surface including carpet, upholstery*, bedding, mattresses and clothing. On hard surfaces, PP-Gone is highly effective on tile and porous grout.
Multiple Uses
While formulated for Urine Odor Removal, PP-Gone is also an effective all purpose cleaner for nearly all restroom surfaces. It also is an exceptional carpet stain remover for a variety of biological stains.
Where to Use
Hard Surfaces: Tile, Grout, Urinals and Toilets, Alley ways and dumpsters, Animal urine areas.
Soft Surfaces: Bedding and Mattresses, Carpet and Upholstery*, Laundry Pre-Treatment.
Follow these simple steps:
Soft Surfaces
1.For visible stains, generously spray the stain slightly beyond the stain area.
2.Allow to stand for 2- 5 minutes. Lightly blot stain area with a soft cloth, rinse with water.
3.Let air dry. Stain Removed!
Hard Surfaces
1.Spray PP Gone around the base of toilets, below urinals on walls and floor area after cleaning.
2.Allow surface to air dry, usually about 5 minutes.
3.Repeat this process daily to prevent odors or until odors are gone.
*On upholstery, test on unconspicuos area first.
- Color........................................None, dye free
- Odor.........................................Fresh Fragrance
- pH............................................3 - 4
- Specific Gravity........................1.01
- % Hydrogen Peroxide..............2-4%
- Foaming...................................Moderate
- Detergency ..............................Excellent
- Flashpoint................................Greater than 210°F
- Dilution.....................................Ready-to-Use
- Phosphate-Free.......................Yes
- Readily Biodegradable ............Yes
- VOC Content ...........................VOC Free
- USDA Performance Rating......C-1
- Storage Stability ......................6 mo. normal conditions (< 90F)
- Freeze-Thaw Stability..............Passes 3 cycles.
- VOC Compliant - VOC Free