There are good bacteria and there are bad bacteria. The bad ones can cause sickness and disease while the good ones are instrumental in such things as fermentation of beer and processing of cheese and yogurt. RX66 contains only safe to handle bacteria, in this case designed to remove foul odors and stains by bio-enzymatic action.
When these safe, good bacteria in RX66 come in contact with organic matter, they act like sponges to absorb it. The bacteria liquefy and literally eat and digest the matter as their food. In the process, nothing more is produced than harmless carbon dioxide, water and more enzymes. Spray away odors and stains from around and under urinals and toilets.
• RX66 enzymes
have an appetite for urine, feces, sickness, etc.
• Removes organic stains and odors from carpet and fabrics.
• Safe to handle, safe on what it contacts and for the environment.
RX66 is a synergistic blend of specialized strains of live, but safe to use bacteria, chosen for their ability to produce enzymes that will digest organic matter that cause stains and foul odors. RX66 also contains Airicide® Odor Counteractant to remove odors already in the air.
RX66 is a synergistic blend of specialized strains of live, but safe to use bacteria, chosen for their ability to produce enzymes that will digest organic matter that cause stains and foul odors. RX66 also contains Airicide® Odor Counteractant to remove odors already in the air.
Digests foul odors and stains in and around urinals and toilet fixtures, chemical toilets, refuse containers, etc; in urinals drains and traps; in carpets, upholstery and fabrics; in animal pens, cages and runways. Removes stains from urine, feces, vomit, blood, milk, wine, coffee and other organic matter.
250 BILLION ENZYME PRODUCING BACTERIA PER GALLON. This astronomical figure is certified to be correct and is important to you because the thoroughness and speed with which an enzyme product works is directly proportional to its bacterial count. A SYNERGETIC BLEND OF CULTURES for broad spectrum effectiveness, not just a single strain as are so many competitive products. PEOPLE SAFE - Acts by liquefying and digesting organic stains and odors by enzymatic action. The only by-products produced are carbon dioxide, water and additional safe bacteria. ENVIRONMENTATLLY SAFE - Cells that have mulitplied during the use of RX66 are a help in cesspools, ponds and waste treatment plants because they help seed the biodegration of other waste. SAFE ON CONTACT SURFACES - There’s no heat generated to cause leaking pipes. No solvents to dissolve the backing of carpets, or to craze plastics. No acids to etch floors or the grouting around toilets and urinals. LONG SHELF LIFE - The bacteria in RX66 are in the form of spores with a protective shell that keeps them dormant until the product is removed from the container and contacts organic matter.